Coming soon to Schtumm.... Schtumm Presents The Lost Trades Schtumm.... Presents Septabeat + Boundless Brothers Schtumm.... Presents LightGarden Schtumm.... Presents Lee Broderick + Bryony Sier
All of these acts were booked during lockdown and we wanted to get them in sooner rather than later in our new socially distanced arena! Get your tickets at our EventBrite Page in advance. ✨ No tickets on the door - advanced bookings only. Doors 6:30pm Purchases of more than 1 ticket must be part of the same household or support bubble. You will be given a designated seating area / table in accordance with social distancing. Anyone not abiding by the Government Corona Virus legislation may be refused entry or asked to leave. This is an outdoors event and a little rain won't stop us so please dress appropriately.
